When Mosques Attack!
As you heard on the show, and may have read in the Boston Herald, the Islamic Society of Boston has issued a subpoena of my personal phone records, show notes and other materials related to our on air conversations regarding Menino's Mosque. The subpoena came one week after a threatening letter from the ISB's attorney warning me against discussing the issue on the air.
And, as you heard on my show, my answer to the ISB both times has been "Kiss My Burkha."
However, I've received a surprising number of emails from Bostonians who haven't heard about the taxpayer-subsidized mosque being built in Roxbury by a group with disturbing links to Islamic extremism. Here's an excellent overview of the story and its long history, including the current status of the various lawsuits resulting from this clear violation of the First Amendment by Mayor Menino and the Boston City Council.
Oh, and if there's anyone with the ISB wondering if the threats and subpoenas are going to shut me up, I have one suggestion for you: Ask CAIR.
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