Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Good Guys Win One!

The "good guys" in this case are the folks like the David Project, Fox 25 and the Boston Herald who were sued by the Islamic Society of Boston for telling the truth about Menino's Mosque.

The ISB strategy seemed to be "sue everyone until they shut up," a strategy I encountered when they served me with a subpoena for my phone records, emails and show prep notes.

Obviously, I ignored it, but the chilling message was sent: "Talk about the terror supporters who are part of the ISB, talk about the taxpayer money going to build our mosque, and we'll drag you into court over it."

Fortunately, the David Project is reporting:

the Islamic Society of Boston ("ISB") and its officers have withdrawn all of their claims against all of the citizens who raised concerns about the ISB, its funding and its leadership, as well as all of their claims against the Boston Herald, Fox-TV and the various journalists whose investigative pieces about the ISB in 2003 and 2004 disclosed damaging information about the ISB and its controversial land deal with the Boston Redevelopment Authority ("BRA"). The ISB and its officers have abandoned all of their claims against all of the defendants they sued 2 years ago, without payment to the ISB or to them of any money whatsoever.

This is terrific news, because it's a blow to the strategy of "silence through lawsuits" that Muslim groups such as CAIR have been using for years. Even a lawsuit that has no chance of victory--and this ISB lawsuit certainly meets that definition--is an expensive hassle, costing private businesses (like radio stations) time and money.

This time, the good guys won. Free speech prevailed. The truth about the ISB has come out.

This time.