This list is a compilation of ideas from 96.9 FM TALK listeners, along with ideas from experts around the country. If you have a good idea, send it to!
10--Follow The Story. The US Senate is going to debate and mostly likely vote on a major amnesty bill the week of May 15th. That's a key date. As the debate continues, other dates will be important as well, and those will be the times when your voice will be needed most. So use websites like and read the papers to keep track of this story. (There's a certain afternoon drive radio show that might come in handy, too!)
9-- Follow The Money. Not long ago, my mom received yet another solicitation from the Republican Party. Instead of sending a check, she wrote "I will not send another penny until you do something to secure our borders" across the response card, put it in the envelope and mailed it back. This works for any political party and/or candidate. Let them know they aren't getting your money--and WHY.
8--Use That Money To Make A Difference. If you give money to a candidate for state legislature or Congress with a note telling him that your contribution is specifically linked to his or her support for secure borders and the rule of law, it will have an impact on that candidate's future behavior. Make those dollars count!
7--Contacting Politicians, Part I: Start with the basics. Have you sent a letter (emails are more easily deleted and ignored) to your state legislator and state senator telling them you want Massachusetts to be an ally in the fight to secure our borders, not an enemy? Have you sent a letter to your congressman and two US Senators? I know that in Massachusetts this may seem futile, but it's not. If things get close, if the fight comes down to one vote in the House or Senate, your letter and thousands like it could push one wavering politicians over the line and get him to do the right thing.
6--Contacting Politicians, Part II: Call The White House. Write The White House. Go To and let them know how you feel. President Bush needs every vote he can get. He's already backing off of his most aggressive stances and is now talking more about border security than amnesty. Keep it up!
5--Contacting Politicians, Part III: OK, so maybe your US Senator isn't a fence-sitter. You're right: Massachusetts isn't Maryland or Ohio or Florida. But don't you KNOW somebody in those states? Or any other states for that matter? Why not email or call your friends and family in other states and ask them, as a favor to you, to contact their US Senators and congressmen and speak out! Use your email address book and Christmas card list. Your friends may be just as frustrated as you are. Motivate them to get involved! Turn your complain into 20 in states across the nation.
4--Complain. Too many employers are using illegal immigrants because they don't see any downside. If you find out a business you patronize is using illegals, ask to see an owner or manager and tell them they've just lost your business. Don't be rude or mean. Just let them know. If you get lousy service from an employee you suspect is not working legally, complain. Make sure the owner knows that his employment decisions are costing him money.
3--Congratulate. If you find out a business you patronize REFUSES to use illegal labor, thank them! If you see a sign announcing that a business requires proof of legal residence for all employees, or uses the "Basic Pilot Program" to confirm the legal status of employees, let the business owner know that's important to you.
2--Get Informed To Get Involved. Organizations like the Center for Immigration Studies and NumbersUSA give you the facts you need to make the case for securing America's borders. You might want to even make a wallet-sized fact sheet with figures, statistics or arguments you find compelling noted for future reference.
And the number one thing you can do to help secure our borders is...
KEEP SPEAKING OUT! At work, at church, at the park, whenever the topic comes up--speak out! Other people probably agree with you but they may be afraid to voice an opinion for fear of being called racist or intolerant. If they hear you making logical, fact-based arguments on behalf of enforcing our laws and defending our borders, they'll be more likely to speak out, too.
These US Senators are interested in running for president. (OK, ALL US Senators are interested. These are the people talking about doing it.) Contact their offices--particularly if you live in New Hampshire!
Sen. George Allen, VA
Sen. Sam Brownback, KS
Sen. Bill Frist, TN
Sen. Chuck Hagel, NE
Sen. John McCain, AZ